It is estimated that as much as 35% of every KwH tariff to be generated will be retained by the local economy in terms of feedstock, taxes and other labor components which will contribute to the overall goal of achieving inclusive growth.


The Advance BioPower technology being introduced has a registered efficiency of up to 92% efficiency.


Bioenergy reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The carbon status of most bioenergy types has thus far been treated as neutral or as having a low impact.


CaRE’s vision is for every Filipino shall be able to utilize sustainable renewable energy in their day-to-day lives and its mission is to contribute significantly to the country’s environmental, social and economic sector by being the number one developer of sustainable renewable energy in the Philippines.


Eastern Petroleum Corporation was founded in December 10, 1996 by its Chairman and CEO, Fernando L. Martinez. The mission of Eastern Petroleum Corporation (Eastern) is to provide world-class and environment friendly energy fuel the country’s economic growth and to develop growth and entrepreneurial opportunities for the greatest number of Filipinos.

Responding to the need of electrification in the country side, the preference of using renewable energy technologies due to the advert effects of climate change and the need to develop more livelihood opportunities to more Filipinos, Eastern ventured into development of Biomass based small power development with the initial project located in Buenavista, Agusan del Norte which is to be implemented by its subsidiary CARAGA Renewable Energy Corporation.

We believe that by developing and utilizing Biopower to electrify the different rural communities in the country, we are also enabling and giving them the opportunity to grow bigger and better through job generation.

Caraga Renewable Energy Corporation was incorporated in August 2013 with the purpose of developing the 1st 23.5MW Biomass Project in the Region Caraga in the Philippines. It has already engaged and secured the feedstock requirement enough to power up to 70.5MW Biomass plants in the area through Industrial Tree plantation Programs.

The Industrial Tree Plantation program required in pursuing a BioPwer Project would involve the planting of fast growing trees such as, but not limited to, Gmelina, Acacia Manguim, Falcata and Giant Ipil-Ipil. These trees are grown between 3 to 5 years. Unlike traditional wood processors, Bio Power projects will process the entire log which includes the branches and the top parts of the trees as they are also going to be processed. Buying of feedstock in a BioPower project is in a per metric ton (MT) basis. The seeds or seedling for these trees are widely available and the planting process and technology can easily be learned through proper training and guidance.

BioPower is the use of biomass to produce electric power or heat. Biopower system technologies include direct firing, cofiring, gastification, pyrolysis and tan-aerobic digestion.

Plantation site visit with representatives from the US Department of Energy, Oregon Business Department and Philippines US Trade Attache. Oregon 2012


CaRE’s mission is to develop existing and emerging feedstock energy sources into energy security enhancement projects and promotes sustainable energy development in the Philippines. CaRE is motivated by the global effort to develop alternative fuels and mitigate rising fossil based fuel prices and play a key role in the development of the country’s rural areas.

CaRE’s vision is for every Filipino shall be able to utilize sustainable renewable energy in their day-to-day lives and its mission is to contribute significantly to the country’s environmental, social and economic sector by being the number one developer of sustainable renewable energy in the Philippines.


  • Reduce electricity cost in missionary and rural small power utilities
  • Use of Clean and Green Energy
  • Create employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in Tree Farming
  • Pollution free atmosphere
  • Minimize power distribution losses
  • Convert agriculture and forestry wastes to recycle power
  • Develop power self sufficiency
  • Better standard of living for farmers participants
  • Educate farmers on their contribution to energy sector
  • Set a role model for upcoming similar green power projects


We are present nationwide. Our regional offices are here to serve you.

7th Flr. Cityland Pasong Tamo Tower,
Don Chino Roces Ave., Pio del Pilar, Makati
City, Philippines

179 1st St. West, Imadejas Subd.,
Butuan City, Philippines